Monday, June 17, 2013


Hi everyone,
Yes hump day is Wednesday! .... I can't believe it... Stop making me trunky! ;) I need to stay focused and stuff! 

 I've never felt better than I do now my whole mission :) I'll be completely honest that the last week and a half was very difficult!  That was the hardest week I've had for sure! I've been studying charity and humility.   
The last few days have been better! A lot of faith has been gained by many. We're having a 'district unity' time this week on Wednesday, to discuss how we want to account with each other on becoming the best missionaries we can be, completing our zone's vision, and following the mission's vision as well. It's a bit of an experimental idea but there's faith behind it and I'll let you know how it goes. There's a lot of great potential in this district to do a lot good for each other, as we open our lights up to each other a bit more, and share our insights and charity.

For the 12 week program, we had a member dinner where we practiced a role play, and it went really well!
The experiences with my new companion have brought me down to the depths of humility. I can honestly say that it's increased my faith and love for all people, which I've been praying about for months, and It's fulfilled a blessing that Elder Pettitt gave me. I'm grateful for this experience, and know that all is possible with patience! Shiblon and I should have a nice conversation sometime after this life's all over.

I'm truly being able to develop the talents I need in life as I felt this overwhelming comfort of revelation that I received on Sunday, it was literally the dawn after the night , breaking the horizon of darkness. I honestly know that the last two weeks changed my life for the better. I've learned so much about selflessness, and how to love EVERYONE. No matter what. People have so much good inside of them. They all have a hope of something better, and they always look to find that hope. Some try to justify all sense of hope by bringing others down, making sure that there really isn't anything out there that can help them, so that they can further justify how they feel. OUR job, is to constantly keep our covenants, and stand as beacons of hope, to those that know not faith.  This whole experience did bring me to a point where I had to sit down, and decide whether or not I believed in everything I did, everything I stood for. I prayed for nights and read my scriptures, and tried to also keep the district going and not letting them fall short. Sunday, it's like it all hit me. I felt completely at peace, and I know, now more than I've ever known in my entire life how true the gospel is. I've SEEN the other side. I've seen what a life is like without any faith, or care for the gospel. When apathy enters into the simple truths of the gospel, it's our own pride holding us back. If we just follow the simple truths and do our best to have FAITH, we can always know there's a dawn on the horizon. Mine finally came. I was able to bear testimony to him that I know that it's true, that my goal was to teach his gospel, and that I had complete confidence that my maker exists, and is completely aware of every second of my day.  I had to just be an example of someone that has faith, through all adversity. Christ's rock is steadfast and immovable to ANY whirlwind, if we continue to follow it and trust in the Lord's timing. It was such a tender moment to be able to see the peace that overcame me on Sunday, as I realized that it's all about charity, doing your best, and forgetting yourself. I'm been telling myself this and studying this for months, but now it's finally entered into my heart, and I can firmly say that all the fears I've ever had in my life about getting a career, being a successful husband and father, everything, are gone. If I live the gospel at my best, and hold fast to the Book of Mormon and my prayers daily, nothing can take me away from my Lord and my Savior, except myself.  I love Elder Toone and he is starting to make leaps and bounds.
To connect this all in, about a month ago, with coming to a new area, and being a little stressed and feeling a little unqualified at my new duties, I asked Elder Pettitt to give me a blessing. I remember and wrote down 3 specific things, that he said would help lighten the load that I had felt. I've striven to follow these things, and honestly on Sunday, I saw that blessing become fulfilled. They were 1: Faith in Christ. 2: Prioritize. and 3:  Lead by example. There is so much in the power of setting prioritized goals, and faithfully doing them. It sets the example because it inspires confidence in your calling as your goals coordinate with your covenants. When you coordinate with your covenants, and exercise that faith, the result is the POWER that comes with the authority of your calling. I HAVE SEEN POWER, I have found strength beyond my own. Strength and confidence I've never known. My blessing is becoming fulfilled, I'm learning how to truly love people and how to forget myself, and I've never been so grateful, or so happy to serve the Lord :) I love you so much and want you to know that I'm doing better than I ever have. I can't wait for the trials of growth ahead (I'm going to regret saying that ;)), and I'm looking forward with an eye of faith! Whew.
So, that was the big part of the week I'd say. That sums it up. Yeah we've got some great prospects for baptism :) A whole family's preparing themselves, and an older man is also making great progress! The ward's going to start catching fire with missionary work, and miracles are starting to happen! Literally Sunday all the darkness went away. Things are becoming discernible, and I'm learning how to more deeply follow my Savior's will, and becoming his servant. I'm sorry I'm out of time here, but everything's going great! This can be the blog today as well!  This should be a great week as well!  (Can't believe I'm saying this but I'll say it for you)!  I"LL SEE YOU IN A YEAR!
Love, Elder Langford

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful things have happen to you this week! And Im glad to hear it.


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