Hello everybody!!! This is the last time I'll be so pressed for time! I'm sooo sorry :( :(
(quick stuff)
So I've been drinking soy milk because it's healthy. However, I'm going off soy milk! I don't care how healthy it is, it's just not worth the sacrifice to the taste that is sweet above all that that is sweet in a good bowl of cereal!
Hello everybody!!! This is the last time I'll be so pressed for time! I'm sooo sorry :( :(
(quick stuff)
So I've been drinking soy milk because it's healthy. However, I'm going off soy milk! I don't care how healthy it is, it's just not worth the sacrifice to the taste that is sweet above all that that is sweet in a good bowl of cereal!
Haha. This week we had a good three hour bike ride outside! I kid you not,it is a safe bet to say, that I've never been so cold in my life.... If it wasn't for my membership in the church, being sustained by the warm feelings of the Holy Ghost, I proabably would've gone the way of the earth.... My tabernacle of Clay was just about ready to freeze and crack... Nevertheless, we found some success! Through our trials the Lord was able to make us successful instruments in his hand! :)
Also, crazy story, I got to go to the first area of my mission on exchange, and see the man's family that I taught about 16 months ago GETTING READY TO BE BAPTIZED!!! It doesn't get much better than that I'd say!!! Woooooot! CHECK MY FACEBOOK TO SEE THE MIRACLE IT TRULY WAS FOR HIM TO MAKE IT!! His name is Brother Carlos Rivera.
Also, We have four baptisms scheduled in our area for next month... Hahahaha! I love working with the YSA as well!! These kids sacrifice so much to come to church every week! They're kind of like stripling warriors!!!! Seriously they're soo good. Lifelong friends are being made among many of them... everything's screaming success right now!
We also had a fantastic zone conference hosted by our beloved President! After all was said and done, I think the best part was giving him a nice big hug, and just telling him thanks for all he's done for me and for this mission. We talked about how even though we came out together, (we were in the MTC at the same time), he gets to stretch it one more year... We laughed and talked about how we wish we could just do this forever. And as he was walking away he said, "Well, we will in the next life, for a nice long time." Missionary work is the greatest joy we can have!! Sharing the gospel with every single person we see is totally possible. Even in the smallest and most simple of ways!
Think...... of your favorite truth about the gospel.... then, say a simple prayer to have a simple conversation with someone where you can bring it up, and POW you'll see instant miracles because of your faith :D Soo good!
Love, Elder Langford